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Spring 2024 Schedule

100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee

We are so confident in our quality of instruction that if you are not fully satisfied and let us know within 3 business days of the first session, we will refund you 100%.

SAT Prep Course 
(Targeting March SAT)

This course is designed to introduce students to the most up-to-date test-prep strategies for the New SAT. The students are also given an opportunity to hone their skills through the most realistic materials available. Ask for a free evaluation or consultation to see if this course is right for you. Make Up Sessions on week of 3/13 in event of class cancellation. 

Class & Dates

Verbal (1/17-3/6)

Math (1/18-3/7)

Days & Time

W, 5:30-7:30 pm ET

Th, 5:30-6:30 pm ET

All Sections





All sessions subject to enrollment.

ACT Prep Course
(Targeting April ACT)

This course is designed to introduce students to the most up-to-date test-prep strategies for the ACT. The students are also given an opportunity to hone their skills through the most realistic materials available. Ask for a free evaluation or consultation to see if this course is right for you. No sessions 3/27 and 3/28 (Spring Break). Make up sessions on 4/9 (English/Reading/Science) and 4/11 (Math) in event of class cancelation. 

Class & Dates

English (2/6-4/2)

Reading/Science (2/6-4/2)

Math (2/8-4/4)

Days & Time

Tu, 5:30-6:30 pm ET

Tu, 6:30-7:30 pm ET

Th, 6:30-7:30 pm ET

All Sections






All sessions subject to enrollment.

SAT Booster Course
(Registration Closed)


This course is designed for second or third-time test-takers or for students who scored exceptionally well on their initial evaluation. Taught by highly experienced test-prep instructors, these courses are intended to help students review the most effective strategies and tips, hone their reading, writing, and math skills, and have students raring to go for their next test. Make up sessions on week of 5/26 in event of class cancellation.

Class & Dates

Verbal (5/1-5/22)

Math (5/2-5/23)

Days & Time

W, 5:30-7:30 pm ET

Th, 6:30-7:30 pm ET

All Sections





All sessions subject to enrollment.

H.S. (Pre-SAT/ACT) Skill Development Course

For 9th and 10th graders. This course focuses on improving the skills that are essential for the PSAT, SAT, and ACT, as well as high school, college, and beyond. Learn more about this course here. No sessions on 3/20, 3/22, 3/27, and 3/29 (Spring Break). Make up days during week of 4/14 and 4/21. Sessions will be recorded according to our recording policy

Class & Dates

Math & Logical Reasoning (1/24-4/10)

Critical Reading & Writing (1/26-4/12)

Days & Time

W, 7:30-8:30 pm ET
(4:30-5:03pm PT

F, 7:00-9:00 pm ET
(4-6 pm PT)



$300 ($150 for Lifelong Learners*)

$600 ($300 for Lifelong Learners*)

$850 ($425 for Lifelong Learners*)

*Reading, writing and math skills, like any other skills, take time to develop. We want to encourage students to continue with these courses to become lifelong readers and learners. As a result, all students who decide to continue with our skill development sessions are eligible for our Lifelong Learner Discounted Rate on those subsequent sessions. The discount does not apply to Prep Courses or Debate Teams. ​

All sessions subject to enrollment.

Older M.S. Skill Development Course

For 8th graders (7th graders must test into this course). This course focuses on expediting the development of reading and writing skills. Learn more about this course here. No sessions on 3/23 and 3/30. Make up days on 4/27 and 5/4. Sessions will be recorded according to our recording policy

Class & Dates

Critical Reading & Writing (2/3-4/20)

Days & Time

Sat, 7-8:30 pm ET
(4-5:30 pm PT)


$400 ($200 for Lifelong Learners*)

*Reading, writing and math skills, like any other skills, take time to develop. We want to encourage students to continue with these courses to become lifelong readers and learners. As a result, all students who decide to continue with our skill development sessions are eligible for our Lifelong Learner Discounted Rate on those subsequent sessions. The discount does not apply to Prep Courses or Debate Teams. ​

All sessions subject to enrollment.

Younger M.S. Skill Development Course

For 6th graders (5th graders can test in). This course focuses on expediting the development of reading and writing skills. Learn more about this course here. No sessions on 3/23 and 3/30. Make up days on 4/27 and 5/4. Sessions will be recorded according to our recording policy

Class & Dates

Reading & Writing (2/3-4/20)

Days & Time

Sat, 5:30-7:00 pm ET
(2:30-4 pm PT)


$400 ($200 for Lifelong Learners*)

*Reading, writing and math skills, like any other skills, take time to develop. We want to encourage students to continue with these courses to become lifelong readers and learners. As a result, all students who decide to continue with our skill development sessions are eligible for our Lifelong Learner Discounted Rate on those subsequent sessions. The discount does not apply to Prep Courses or Debate Teams. ​

All sessions subject to enrollment.

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